Chesterfield Baseball Clubs   Senior Colt   2011 Printable Version
Commissioners Wayne Huffman- Home 745-4352  Cell- 928-1992
                        Chris Huffman - Cell-928-1993
Chuck Lafoon- 467-8871
1 RBA South-Green 2 RBA West 17 3 Muckdogs 4 Blue Jays
Ron Maurer Ronnie Atkins Jeff Trice Roger Reavis
743-1533 349-3344 721-8673 337-7628
5 RBA East 16U 6 Cobras 7 RBA South Blue 8 Gordon
Patrick Fletcher L. Meadowcroft Danny Jones Nick Maiolo
380-4800 218-7542 901-0445 690-8831
9 RBA South Maroon 10 Future Stars 11 SkyHawks 12 Chest. Force
Sam Glynn Melvin Gentry Charles Shipp Keith Diesel
641-0149 839-3038 615--2715 245-0971
 13Rich. Hornets 14 Weaver  15 RBA West 16 16 XPA
Hayes Smith Mike Parnell Bruce Seacrest Tim Haynes
640-2311 986-4952 399-0527 892-5765
Second team listed is the home team.
Field closing information call 748-1001/ updated at 4:00 pm.
Rule Exceptions
Designated hitter for any player
Extra-hitter- 10 batters listed in the line up
Courtesy runner for the pitcher or catcher
Catcher or coach may intentionally walk the batter by notifying the umpire
Avoid contact between the runner and fielder at all times. Flagrant contact may result 
in immediate ejection from the game, further suspensions may occur
Players must be on the roster 75% of the season to be eligible for playoffs
Games will be 7 innings or 2hr time limit, in the event of a tie with time remaining
the game will continue using the International Rule until time expires
No game will start before the regular start time unless both coaches agree, A 15 minute 
grace period is allowed to avoid forfeits, the official game time reverts back to the
regular scheduled start time
CBC insurance does not allow anyone in the dugout or anywhere on the playing field
other than the players and coaches, no bat boys or score keepers, violations will result in 
forfeit of the game and supension of the head coach for the next game
Starting Players may re-enter the game one time.
Free defensive substitions - batting lineup remains set.